Radne stone lampe i njihova funkcija – Cormel d.o.o. – BESPLATNI OGLAS

Radne stone lampe imaju veoma veliku rasprostranjenost kada je opremanje enterijera u pitanju. Nekada su one bile samo funkcionalne, a danas imaju i jednu drugu ulogu, onu estetsku. Radne stone lampe danas se proizvode u nebrojano mnogo oblika, boja i modela. Takođe, ove lampe mogu se naći u varijanti sa običnim tipom grla, ali i u varijanti sa integrisanim LED osvetljenjem.

Upotreba radne stone lampe

Upotrebe ovog tipa lampi mogu biti različite. Ono što je uvek isto jeste da se radne lampe koriste isključivo kao dodatno, tačnije pomoćno osvetljenje.

Najčešće su se radne stone lampe koristile za opremanje dečijih soba i radnih stolova i to u svrhu dodatnog osvetljenja prilikom učenja i obavljanja domaćih zadataka. Iz tog razloga, masovno su počele da se proizvode radne lampe prilagođene deci različitih uzrasta, šarenolike i u raznim oblicima.

Radne stone lampe                                                                    Radne stone lampe

Takođe, ovakav tip lampi koristi se i za opremanje radnog prostora i kancelarijskih stolova, takođe u svrhu dodatnog osvetljenja.

Radne stone lampeRadne stone lampeRadne stone lampe

Veliki je broj modela radnih lampi sa običnim tipom grla. Postoje i obični, klasični modeli, takođe u velikom izboru boja.

Radne stone lampeRadne stone lampe

Radne stone lampe proizvode se i u varijanti sa štipaljkom.

Radna stona lampaRadne stone lampeRadne stone lampe

S obzirom na to da se danas proizvodi veliki broj stonih lampi veoma lepog izgleda, dešava se da ih ljudi koriste prilikom opremanja enterijera isključivo u estetske svrhe, ukoliko žele da upotpune svoj nameštaj.

Svi gorenavedeni primeri odnose se na stone lampe sa običnim tipom grla, ali imamo još jednu vrstu stonih lampi. To su LED stone lampe sa integrisanom svetlošću. Ovaj tip lampe može se proizvoditi u različitim jačinama, ali naravno i oblicima i bojama.

Pre svega, imamo radne stone lampe klasičnog izgleda, sa ili bez štipaljke.

   Radne stone lampeRadne stone lampeRadna stona lampaRadne stone lampe

Osim ovih, tu su i radne stone lampe dosta modernijeg izgleda, čija je funkcija pre svega estetska. Ovakve lampe obično ne daju preterano jaku svetlost.

Radna stona lampaRadne stone lampeRadna stona lampa

Čest je primer, pa čak i u filmovima, da se na radnim stolovima nađe i čuvena stona lampa poznatija pod nazivom bankarka. Ovaj tip lampe stekao je veliku popularnost koja ni danas ne opada. Stona lampa bankarka u najvećem broju slučajeva proizvodi se sa zelenim staklom i daje pomalo prigušeno svetlo, tako da je njena funkcija pre svega estetska. Stona lampa bankarka prostoru daje retro izgled, a najčešće se kupuje prilikom opremanja advokatskih kancelarija. Međutim, sve je češći slučaj da se bankarka koristi i prilikom opremanja životnog prostora.

Stona lampa bankarka                      Stona lampa bankarka

Na našem sajtu možete pronaći veliki izbor radnih stonih lampi, a u našem prodajnom salonu možete i kupiti neke od njih.

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Fragrant Ozone Mirisna Oasis Oaza Flower Meadow Cvetna livada Selling 4.0 lux flat Čelebonovića Bežanijska kosa Novi Beograd wheelchair ramp park view huge terrace glass winter house renovated furnished tenanted property investment buy-to-let Serbia Large 3 bedroom apartment, 110m2, VP/6, 26m2 terrace, CG, 2 klima, parking. Equipment, appliances, furniture are new on manufacturers guarantee. My tenants moved in July 2024 on a one year tenancy contract at e990 monthly to my brand new 3 bedroom apartment. That is e11880 yearly income. The modern building from 1995 with a large public parking shaded with trees for unlimited cars. Two empty parking spaces next to the building for disabled wheelchair users are situated next to ramp, no step or gap to cross. The apartment is located on the high ground floor, elevated 1 metre in relation to the terrain. Rooms oriented on cooling North, with bathroom and kitchen on South. Venetian mirror windows with blinds. Two exits from rooms to terrace, from which there is an exit by steps to garden lawn on the ground level. Completely renovated, replaced electrical and plumbing installations, PVC interior and exterior carpentry, quality brand name bathroom and toilet, parquet planed and varnished. Two air conditioning inverter units with heater. Bright and sunny, freshly white painted, fully furnished and fully equipped on 110 m2, with 84m2 registered and 26m2 under glass roofed terrace. By the owner. Infostan 15500 dinars. With the planned next year connection to municipal gas, heating bill will be according to individual use, fraction of present charges. Apartment is 253 cm high and consists of: – kitchen enclosed by glass harmonica door, fully equipped with 280 litres fridge-freezer and 2 m2 shelved pantry, – bathroom with brand new 7kg washing-drying machine, – living room with double doors to glassed winter house, – dining room with table for 6, connecting to all other rooms, with 2 glass harmonica doors, – three bedrooms – 2 master bedrooms 14m2 and 12m2 with double beds, and 10m2 children bedroom with a single bed, – large terrace of 26 m² with glass winter house, – toilet with cupboards and storage space, – entrance hall with metal security door with safety locks, intercom. Security cameras at house entrance. Ideal for a multi generational family, including wheelchair users. The building is of high construction quality and energy efficiency. The outer insulation is mineral wool. Close to the international road system with 2km to motorways number M11, 70 and 75, taking to Belgrade International Airport in 14 minutes drive and same timing to the city centre. Public busses from outside building and from within 3 minutes walk, taking to all parts of the city. Next to: Ozone Mirisna Oaza Fragrant Flower Meadow Skriveni Tajni Dijamant Peščara Sandstone Hiking area Teniski tereni Jovan Petković Sports Park 100m Škola Fudbala F.K. Lane Football School Sport Fields 130m Sportski Centar 7 Soccer Club Field. SC Bezanija judo tenis football aikido jiu jitsu karate Sports Clubs 1km Belgrade Squash Club Teratana Blok Revolution Gym Iskrica nursery school kindergarten 80m Primary school „Dragan Lukić“ 1km Руска школа Foreign languages program school 3.8km Mastograd Indoor kids playground 200m Dečija Igraonica Ostrvo sa Blagom Novi Beograd children's amusement 200m Special Rubber Park basketball court 800m Sfetofor Discount grocery shop 700m Small shopping centre, post office, banks, bakery, Maxi Friendly and peaceful neighbours. Payment in cryptocurrencies is welcome. Kontakt: Gosa 00381654635963, Milan 0038163657994 flat.sale.bezanijska.kosa@gmail.com Thank you for your kind attention – BESPLATNI OGLAS

Fragrant Ozone Mirisna Oasis Oaza Flower Meadow Cvetna livada Selling 4.0 lux flat Čelebonovića Bežanijska kosa Novi Beograd wheelchair ramp park view huge terrace glass winter house renovated furnished tenanted property investment buy-to-let Serbia Large 3 bedroom apartment, 110m2, VP/6, 26m2 terrace, CG, 2 klima, parking. Equipment, appliances, furniture are new on manufacturers guarantee. My tenants moved in July 2024 on a one year tenancy contract at e990 monthly to my brand new 3 bedroom apartment. That is e11880 yearly income. The modern building from 1995 with a large public parking shaded with trees for unlimited cars. Two empty parking spaces next to the building for disabled wheelchair users are situated next to ramp, no step or gap to cross. The apartment is located on the high ground floor, elevated 1 metre in relation to the terrain. Rooms oriented on cooling North, with bathroom and kitchen on South. Venetian mirror windows with blinds. Two exits from rooms to terrace, from which there is an exit by steps to garden lawn on the ground level. Completely renovated, replaced electrical and plumbing installations, PVC interior and exterior carpentry, quality brand name bathroom and toilet, parquet planed and varnished. Two air conditioning inverter units with heater. Bright and sunny, freshly white painted, fully furnished and fully equipped on 110 m2, with 84m2 registered and 26m2 under glass roofed terrace. By the owner. Infostan 15500 dinars. With the planned next year connection to municipal gas, heating bill will be according to individual use, fraction of present charges. Apartment is 253 cm high and consists of: – kitchen enclosed by glass harmonica door, fully equipped with 280 litres fridge-freezer and 2 m2 shelved pantry, – bathroom with brand new 7kg washing-drying machine, – living room with double doors to glassed winter house, – dining room with table for 6, connecting to all other rooms, with 2 glass harmonica doors, – three bedrooms – 2 master bedrooms 14m2 and 12m2 with double beds, and 10m2 children bedroom with a single bed, – large terrace of 26 m² with glass winter house, – toilet with cupboards and storage space, – entrance hall with metal security door with safety locks, intercom. Security cameras at house entrance. Ideal for a multi generational family, including wheelchair users. The building is of high construction quality and energy efficiency. The outer insulation is mineral wool. Close to the international road system with 2km to motorways number M11, 70 and 75, taking to Belgrade International Airport in 14 minutes drive and same timing to the city centre. Public busses from outside building and from within 3 minutes walk, taking to all parts of the city. Next to: Ozone Mirisna Oaza Fragrant Flower Meadow Skriveni Tajni Dijamant Peščara Sandstone Hiking area Teniski tereni Jovan Petković Sports Park 100m Škola Fudbala F.K. Lane Football School Sport Fields 130m Sportski Centar 7 Soccer Club Field. SC Bezanija judo tenis football aikido jiu jitsu karate Sports Clubs 1km Belgrade Squash Club Teratana Blok Revolution Gym Iskrica nursery school kindergarten 80m Primary school „Dragan Lukić“ 1km Руска школа Foreign languages program school 3.8km Mastograd Indoor kids playground 200m Dečija Igraonica Ostrvo sa Blagom Novi Beograd children's amusement 200m Special Rubber Park basketball court 800m Sfetofor Discount grocery shop 700m Small shopping centre, post office, banks, bakery, Maxi Friendly and peaceful neighbours. Payment in cryptocurrencies is welcome. Kontakt: Gosa 00381654635963, Milan 0038163657994 flat.sale.bezanijska.kosa@gmail.com Thank you for your kind attention – BESPLATNI OGLAS

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